I’m a Stroke Survivor! What’s your Super Power?
July 02 2019, marks my 6-year stroke anniversary! A lot has happened in six years since my stroke.
It has been an interesting journey. I am still dealing with some balance issues ( although certain friends would say I have always been imbalanced.LOL..)
Fatigue is still a close friend, which means my life is all about carefully planning things & learning to say no to many things that I love to do but knowing the price I pay if I overdo it.
I had some interesting opportunites this year. One was Volunteering with the Richmond Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors Team. This has presented opportunities to stretch myself. One example was greeting about 200 people at the door at one of the Chamber lunches.
One other thing that stretched some limits was getting to play a role in a video production called The Art of The Elevator Pitch! It explains what needs to go into an elevator pitch. Those that have known me for a while know that I can do my own elevator pitch at the drop of a hat. It was a real stretch to develop an elevator pitch (and remember it) based on a new character. Mentally and cognitively it was a real stretch for me. Watching it was an experience, I still have some obvious little signs that say I have had a stroke. I don’t often get a chance to look at myself, it was an interesting view.
I have to grin when someone finds out I have had a stroke and says oh it looks like you have totally recovered! Most of the signs are something only my wife or I will see. My wife has found it is not a good thing to walk on my right side if there is a building beside us I will without thinking veer to the right. There is a good chance she will become one with the building.
One of those hidden things if I have overdone it or are tired I will Have a limp or drag my heel in my right affected leg. I noticed it today on my way to the gym.
We had our two youngest grandsons over for a day and overnight this weekend one is 4 the is 8 years old very busy young men. Will take some time to recover from but well worth it.
I have had some real blessings this year I was introduced to a fellow stroke survivor, a friend of a friend. We meet up for a coffee every once in a while.
Having conversations with someone on a stroke recovery journey, is a perspective not too many get to share. A real Blessing to be sure.
This summer we get to travel to old Quebec City spend a couple of days sightseeing and then meet up with our oldest 3 grandchildren and fly back home with them. I have not had any air travel since my stroke. Then a month of adventures playing tourist in our town.
Looks like I will be using those superpowers this summer.
I’m thinking of turning the graphic in this post into a T-shirt!
That way I can say Been There Done That!
Have the T-shirt to prove it!