My instructions were to be ready to go at 9:30 am. Things did not go as fast as I would’ve liked. I was very anxious to end my stay at VGH.
The staff had been great but this is a critical care hospital and I was very anxious to get on with rehabilitation and life.
I’m afraid it was a very impatient-patient during the wait.
The hospital transport service arrived. They strapped me in a stretcher and off we went to see what was in store for me next.
I finally arrived at GF Strong, the place that was to become my home for the next two months.
Within a few moments of my arrival My Very Own Flash Mob appeared! My Doctor, Physiotherapist, Occupational therapist, Speech therapist all arrived at once ….My Very Own Flash Mob!
This Flash Mob worked out very efficiently. As each team member did their evaluations the others were watching it saved a certain amount of overlap which took less time when it came to the other team members evaluations. So I would say flash mobs work….. Just saying….
This the team that would try and fix me, a group of people I would come to love and respect.
Just love my GF Strong flash mob crew!